Education & Training

With more and more drones in the sky, the need for appropriate education and awareness trainings in the drone sector is becoming crucial. Here, education in terms of flight trainings, business application education and undergraduate awareness training are primarily important. This can foster drone spirit and innovation at all age categories and, furthermore, be a marketing instrument for incumbent companies.

Education & Training
Education & Training

One of the most important services offered by FIA clubs is driver training to promote road safety. Similarly important is the training of drone pilots to prevent accidents. The FIA, together with its members, promotes the education and training of private and professional drone pilots. In addition, special training for professionals is currently being developed, e.g. for video recording, surveying or search and rescue operations.

The specific needs for drone pilot training & use in education are of course highly dependent on the specific countries rules: Licensing and training guidelines differ greatly between the US, European countries and Australia. This is the same situation that clubs are already confronted with with regards to driver training while still sharing best practices and furthering a global decrease in accidents.

Increasing safety in the air as currently on the road, taking into account the needs of pilots and companies using drones, will be a core area of the Academy's work.

The Drone & Vertical Mobility Academy supports FIA Clubs stepping into the third dimension.
Drone & Vertical Mobility Academy c/o TCS Mobility Academy
Poststrasse 1
3072 Ostermundigen - Switzerland
© 2025: Mobilitätsakademie des TCS
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